Pre-Insulated Valve solutions address the issues pertaining to Time consumed, Energy loss, Skilled labour etc. as:-

  • Valve Insulation is done on-site by stuffing insulation material between bolts and around the valve and flanges and then a valve box is made
  • With change in piping or maintenance, valve box is broken and remade
  • Each Valve takes 4 – 6 hours minimum to insulate.
  • It’s very hard to reach valve surface underneath bolts and shafts and insulate on site
  • Big challenge of availability of efficient and skilled labour who could do a good job of insulation.
    • Insufficient or improper insulation results in condensation
    • Air pockets inside the insulation causes unseen rusting
  • Loosely held insulation starts to reshape and break apart over time

Some of the key benefits of Valves with Pre-Insulation from Advance Valves are:

  • Valves are shipped from factory with insulation; High quality factory warrantied insulation on valves.
  • Insulation that hugs the valve body, Designed as per IS:12436(1988) & will have no condensation
  • Rapid installation and quick site turnaround, Proper insulation results in Energy Savings
  • Longer life of the valve as there are no air pockets
  • No commissioning issues and Each valve maintenance does not require rebuilding valve boxes. Valves can be removed with insulation intact and reinstalled without damage to insulation – time and cost saved
  • Low smoke emission and fire retardant PIR material is used for Insulation

PIR insulation allows insulation thickness to be reduced by 50% compared with cork, 44% compared with expanded polystyrene or fiberglass